(phoJto above courtesy of Martie Mack)

We are having an Open House on Friday, April 2nd from 5:30 - 7:30 PM at the Miacomet Golf Club (Cash Bar)

Join Whitey for Some Lite Conversation and Heavy Hors d'Oeuvers.

Please pass the word and bring your friends.

Whitey Willauer for Nantucket

"We have three incumbents running as well as a couple of newcomers. All are good people. What sets me apart from the pack is that I have experience managing local, national and international organizations. I have accomplished a lot, and intend to use my knowledge and leadership experience to get Nantucket back on track. Let's be smart and plan for the future without cutting essential services. The citizens of Nantucket have to come first.

It's time to rally support for the good of all Nantucketers. I hope all of my supporters will recruit their friends and neighbors for an overwhelming victory in this Selectman's race. We can do it!"

e-mail at

Let's Grow Our Team!

Let's Grow Our Team!
Whitey and supporters stump the dump

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I&M 2010 Selectmen Endorsements

Selectman Patty Roggeveen and Whitey Willauer

Patty Roggeveen is a clear choice for a second term on this important town board, filling multiple essential criteria of proven leaders. Roggeveen has exhibited a high level of profes­sionalism in her last three years, employing intelligent, thought­ful debate on subjects before making a decision. She is an inde­pendent voice on this board, and that is important. We want pub­lic officials who can think for themselves, listen to opposing points of view and make decisions based on the merits of the argument before them. Roggeveen has shown she can do this while exhibiting a collegial approach to working with her fellow board members. She has also displayed a high level of commit­ment and hard work, doing the homework necessary to get the job done, and coming to meetings prepared.

After a two-year hiatus from the board, it is time to bring Whitey Willauer back. He is the best candidate for leadership of the remaining four and one who “gets” the macro picture of town government in a way that the other candidates do not. His dedi­cation to serving the town is unquestionable. He has remained involved with town government in the time he has been away.

Unlike other selectmen who have lost a bid for re-election and slunk away with a case of sour grapes, Whitey has stayed com­mitted to serving his island, and always in an upbeat way. Since Whitey has been absent from the board, there has not been a focus on developing goals and objectives, and this is his strong suit, coupled with possessing an independent opinion and doing business with fellow board members in a constructive way.

Current Selectman Allen Reinhard made us nervous two years ago with his inability to vote for a chair immediately after the swearing-in ceremony. He explained he wanted to wait and talk to other members of the board and see where they stood.

When pressed on the issue this year, he held his ground, con­tending that “this is our board.” Wrong, Allen. The Board of Selectmen is comprised of five independent voices who serve the voters of Nantucket. If the board “belongs” to anyone, it is the people of Nantucket. The town’s business, including electing the chairman of any board, must be conducted in the open so voters can see and hear the debate that ensues before votes are taken, not after private discussions between fellow board members.