(phoJto above courtesy of Martie Mack)

We are having an Open House on Friday, April 2nd from 5:30 - 7:30 PM at the Miacomet Golf Club (Cash Bar)

Join Whitey for Some Lite Conversation and Heavy Hors d'Oeuvers.

Please pass the word and bring your friends.

Whitey Willauer for Nantucket

"We have three incumbents running as well as a couple of newcomers. All are good people. What sets me apart from the pack is that I have experience managing local, national and international organizations. I have accomplished a lot, and intend to use my knowledge and leadership experience to get Nantucket back on track. Let's be smart and plan for the future without cutting essential services. The citizens of Nantucket have to come first.

It's time to rally support for the good of all Nantucketers. I hope all of my supporters will recruit their friends and neighbors for an overwhelming victory in this Selectman's race. We can do it!"

e-mail at

Let's Grow Our Team!

Let's Grow Our Team!
Whitey and supporters stump the dump

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Andrew Vorce

I&M Question #2 for April 2nd: Do you feel that Planning Director Andrew Vorce should report to the town manager, or is the existing system, in which he is responsible to the Nantucket Planning & Economic Development Commission, working?

Planning Director Andrew Vorce is doing a great job. He has hired an excellent staff and is working well with the Town Manager and the Selectmen. He has produced the Master Plan. He is working with the State on the Oceans Management Plan. Real planning is being done and would not be better under the Board of Selectmen.

Having two parallel operations creates checks and balances. Why are we splitting the Health Department from the BOS? Why do we have separate Airport, Water Company, Solid Waste enterprise accounts? The answer is that they work better that way and so does the Planning Board.

Having a separate Planning Department encourages independent thinking. There have been many initiatives derived from the Planning Department that may have been stifled under the BOS. With them working independently, they can develop ideas and present them to the voters at Town Meeting for consideration. This department functions well as is. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

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