(phoJto above courtesy of Martie Mack)

We are having an Open House on Friday, April 2nd from 5:30 - 7:30 PM at the Miacomet Golf Club (Cash Bar)

Join Whitey for Some Lite Conversation and Heavy Hors d'Oeuvers.

Please pass the word and bring your friends.

Whitey Willauer for Nantucket

"We have three incumbents running as well as a couple of newcomers. All are good people. What sets me apart from the pack is that I have experience managing local, national and international organizations. I have accomplished a lot, and intend to use my knowledge and leadership experience to get Nantucket back on track. Let's be smart and plan for the future without cutting essential services. The citizens of Nantucket have to come first.

It's time to rally support for the good of all Nantucketers. I hope all of my supporters will recruit their friends and neighbors for an overwhelming victory in this Selectman's race. We can do it!"

e-mail at

Let's Grow Our Team!

Let's Grow Our Team!
Whitey and supporters stump the dump

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Surviving the Recession

The Board of Selectmen must take the lead in rejuvenating our local economy. The welfare of the community is every bit the Town’s business. As the building boom fades, we need to diversify.

The Selectmen should create an Office of Economic Development. We should partner with the private sector to broaden our tourist base globally; to market the available housing; and to extend the season.

We must counter the perception that doing business on Nantucket is difficult. We should streamline and simplify the permitting process for businesses, and bring high-speed internet to the Island for telecommuting. We must focus on enabling residents to compete effectively for jobs and contracts. This means assisting local workers to become fully licensed and qualified, and encouraging people to build new marketable skills through our Community School. Critical needs include accounting, bookkeeping, business practices, computer skills, cost estimating, LEED certification, nursing, and weatherization.

Our community should make every effort to “Buy Local”, hire local and support initiatives to keep more dollars circulating within the local economy.

the Selectmen should advocate for upgrading our infrastructure. This includes transportation improvements, by air and high-speed ferry; improving public transportation on-Island; and renewable energy development using State and Federal monies.

No longer are we the fastest growing community in the State. The Selectmen must be leaders in Nantucket’s economic development.

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