(phoJto above courtesy of Martie Mack)

We are having an Open House on Friday, April 2nd from 5:30 - 7:30 PM at the Miacomet Golf Club (Cash Bar)

Join Whitey for Some Lite Conversation and Heavy Hors d'Oeuvers.

Please pass the word and bring your friends.

Whitey Willauer for Nantucket

"We have three incumbents running as well as a couple of newcomers. All are good people. What sets me apart from the pack is that I have experience managing local, national and international organizations. I have accomplished a lot, and intend to use my knowledge and leadership experience to get Nantucket back on track. Let's be smart and plan for the future without cutting essential services. The citizens of Nantucket have to come first.

It's time to rally support for the good of all Nantucketers. I hope all of my supporters will recruit their friends and neighbors for an overwhelming victory in this Selectman's race. We can do it!"

e-mail at

Let's Grow Our Team!

Let's Grow Our Team!
Whitey and supporters stump the dump

Friday, March 20, 2009

Current Fiscal Problems

Nantucket Independent Question #2:

Nantucket, like many other towns in the state, is facing escalating operational, personnel and other costs. How do you believe we arrived at our current fiscal problems and what ideas do you have to achieve a reduced budget without severe job cuts or substantial curtailment of services residents have come to expect in more prosperous years?

Upward pressure on the infrastructure caused by neglect and the rapid build out of the Island has brought many needs to the forefront. This was not unexpected, just unmanaged. The Land Fill is a perfect example. With a poorly negotiated long-term contract by our former Selectmen, we are still paying for that lack of leadership. I have managed worldwide worldwide organizations and have the experience and leadership to bring Nantucket back on track.

We need to be proactive and get serious about planning. We can drastically reduce operational costs by creating municipal renewable wind and solar energy. My research has uncovered potential savings of $30-million dollars per year for the Town in the very near future. I hope to make this a reality if re-elected, so the Island becomes energy independent.

We need to better manage the Town’s finances to make sure the year-round residents aren’t forced to leave the Island. First trim all the fat and then examine the benefits of an override. An override is paid 87% from non-residents and only13% by the year-round residents. For every one dollar the residents pay in an override, the non-residents pay $6.70 dollars. Without an override, the town leaders will over-burden our year-round residents with user fees for the necessities of life. These fees proposed by our current Selectmen would cost each year-round resident much more than an override. My goal is to reduce the cost of living for our year-round residents.

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